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Article "L'actualité" - The Growth Leaders in 2022

Thierry Marcoux
Thierry Marcoux
min read

For the second consecutive year, Osedea is recognized as one of the Growth Leaders in 2022 by L'actualité, ranking 32nd with a growth rate of 234% over the past three years.

Original article from L'actualité

Can we do better? To this question, the 50 companies featured in the Growth Leaders 2022 ranking answer YES.

Using their creativity, resourcefulness, and audacity, the people leading these organizations have succeeded, among other things, in creating personalized cosmetics, giving eyes to autonomous vehicles, getting kids moving, and even finding a better way to sell bananas—yes, bananas.

The path to achieving "better" is rarely easy. Obstacles and rejections are plentiful for those who strive to do things differently, and sometimes it takes years of perseverance before their efforts bear fruit. For this reason, these companies and entrepreneurs deserve to be celebrated.


This ranking relies on submissions from Quebec-based companies participating in the Globe and Mail's Canada's Top Growing Companies competition. The ranking is determined by revenue growth from 2018 to 2021. To participate, companies had to have revenues of at least two million in 2021. Employee numbers include contractors and are as of 2022, while revenue figures are for 2021.

32nd position: Osedea - Custom Software Developer

Osedea can develop software for Spot, the quadruped robot resembling a dog from Boston Dynamics, to tailor it to the needs of various businesses.

  • Growth: 234%
  • Revenue: between 5 and 10 million
  • Employees: 70
  • Headquarters: Montreal

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