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Extended reality

This umbrella term encapsulates Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Although AR and VR offer a wide range of revolutionary experiences, the same underlying technologies are powering Extended Reality (XR).

Who uses Extended Reality (XR)?

We see the shift towards virtual experiences in many domains as an opportunity to break into the world of WebXR. Leveraging our expertise in web languages like React, we’ve built similar expertise for web-based XR in a more accessible format across more devices (as opposed to traditional XR which requires more specialized software and hardware). Some practical uses of XR are:

  • Hands-on training for various domains
  • Remote maintenance in manufacturing and other industries

Here's an interactive demo of WebXR

This technology brings AR and VR directly from a web browser.

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But wait, there's more...

Want to go beyond extended reality? Check out our other innovation services.

Innovation with robots

Our expertise in software design and engineering, combined with Boston Dynamics' Spot platform, means we can build autonomous automated solutions for core markets.

Artificial intelligence & machine learning

Your data is a gold mine. With AI, we can extract the good stuff to help provide insight, so you can learn from your data.

Innovation with robots

Our expertise in software design and engineering, combined with Boston Dynamics' Spot platform, means we can build autonomous automated solutions for core markets.

Artificial intelligence & machine learning

Your data is a gold mine. With AI, we can extract the good stuff to help provide insight, so you can learn from your data.