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Functional testing

This type of software testing validates the software system against functional requirements/specifications. Its purpose is to test each function of the software application, by providing appropriate input and verifying the output.

Benefits of functional testing

By design, functional testing makes sure that functions and features are all working property and defects are detected in the software before it’s released to users. Some of the benefits include:

  • Software that works as intended, without defects or bugs
  • Requirements met
  • Security and safety ensured
  • Issues are identified early, resulting in early fixes that save both time and money.

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But wait, there's more...

Want to go beyond functional testing? Check out our other quality assurance services.

Automated quality assurance

We use automated tools to run tests on the software being developed and report on the results.

Automated quality assurance

We use automated tools to run tests on the software being developed and report on the results.