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Embracing clarity and structure: adopting the C4 model for software architecture diagrams

Carl Lapierre
Carl Lapierre
min read

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, our Software Design and Quality Team (SDQT) at Osedea is continuously seeking ways to refine our development workflows. Each month, we gather to engage in deep discussions about the latest and emerging trends in technology. From delving into modern trade-off analyses in distributed architectures to keeping updated with new tools and frameworks, we strive to maintain agility in our software development life cycle. This article explores the advantages of the C4 model in technical communication, highlighting its descriptive approach, use of contrasting colors, and ability to streamline the documentation process. Additionally, it offers practical tips for getting started with the C4 model and underscores its transformative impact on presenting technical aspects of projects to clients.

A few months ago, we introduced the C4 model by Simon Brown into our discussions. After experimenting with the model on various occasions, we quickly realized that this model should become a standard in our approach to creating architectural diagrams. The transition from our traditional methods to this new approach wasn't just a change in technique, but a significant shift in how we perceive and communicate complex system designs.

What is the C4 model?

The C4 model, based on the 4+1 architectural view model, can be compared to a multi-layered map for software architecture. It allows us to view a system at various levels of abstraction, similar to how you might navigate Google Maps - from an aerial view of the world down to individual streets and buildings. In C4, each “C” represents a different type of model at a different level of detail. These different levels are known as context, containers, components, and code:


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Context: This is the highest level of the model, providing a big-picture view of the system. It shows how the software system interacts with its users and other systems. This is essential for understanding the system's boundaries and its relationships with external entities. This level is meant to be suitable for all stakeholders including non-technical users.


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Containers: At this level, the focus shifts to the applications and data stores (like databases, file systems, etc.) that comprise the system. It illustrates how these containers interact with each other and the responsibilities they have within the system. This level is crucial for understanding the high-level technology choices and how the system is structured.


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Components: This level breaks down the containers into their constituent components, detailing the responsibilities of these components and how they interact with one another. It's useful for developers and others involved in the build and design process, as it provides a more detailed view of the system's architecture.


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Code: The most granular level, focusing on the individual classes and interfaces that make up the components. This level is particularly relevant for developers who need to understand the internal structure and design of the various components in detail. Most IDE’s have tooling available to generate these diagrams.

At this point, I’m sure you’re wondering why code is part of an architectural diagram. The beauty of this model is that you choose at what level of granularity you want to stop. Most of the time, the code portion is left out of these diagrams. For client presentations, we’ve found that the first and second layer is just right to convey a detailed overview of the architecture. The third layer comes in handy before the implementation phase to plan out the finer details.

What are the advantages of the C4 model?

At its core, the C4 model addresses a fundamental issue in technical communication: the conveyance of information. Often, technical diagrams are cluttered with technology-specific icons, which, while informative to some, can be perplexing to others—the C4 model advocates for a more descriptive approach. Instead of relying on symbols that might be familiar to only a subset of the team, it encourages explanations of what each technology does. This approach ensures that everyone, regardless of their familiarity with specific technologies, can understand the architecture.

The C4 model also emphasizes the use of contrasting colors instead of relying solely on color codes, making diagrams comprehensible even when printed in black and white. This consideration ensures that the diagrams remain effective and clear under different viewing conditions, including digital displays and physical printouts.

Additionally, the C4 model streamlines the documentation process, providing a clear and concise framework. This is particularly beneficial for complex systems where detailed documentation is crucial. By delineating different layers of the system, from the context down to the code level, the C4 model aids in creating comprehensive and structured documentation that can be easily understood and maintained.

How to get started with the C4 model?

In terms of tools for designing C4 diagrams, tools like Structurizr and Mermaid.js, which support the "C4 model as code" approach are often recommended. This method is advantageous during the development phase as it facilitates easy maintenance and updates to the diagrams. While C4 as code is preferred for its automated and maintainable approach, we’ve noticed that other tools like draw.io can also be beneficial. Despite being manual and potentially tedious, draw.io enables the creation of aesthetically pleasing diagrams that are well-suited for client presentations.

Implementing the C4 model has transformed how we present technical aspects of projects to our clients. It empowers them to choose the level of detail they wish to engage with. This flexibility enhances their understanding and allows for more meaningful discussions about the project.

As we move forward, our commitment at Osedea is to integrate the C4 model into all our architectural processes. We believe this approach will enhance our efficiency and clarity in software design. Keep an eye on future updates and insights from our SDQT team as we steadily progress in the ever-changing technology landscape. For those interested in evolving their software architecture or seeking guidance in modern development methodologies, Osedea is here to assist. Feel free to reach out for a discussion on how we can support your software development goals with our expertise and experience.

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