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Meet Spot, our latest addition to Osedea Innovations

Thierry Marcoux
Thierry Marcoux
min read

Have you met Spot? This groundbreaking quadruped robot, manufactured by American engineering and robotics design company Boston Dynamics, is a new addition to our technology roster. We continue to be impressed by the innovation and agility Spot brings to a variety of industries. In this article, we want to share a bit more about Spot and why we partnered with Boston Dynamics.

Innovation is at the core of Osedea

We’ve been in the field of custom software development for the past 10 years. Our goal is to always best service our clients and be a strong partner for their digital needs. We invest in our own innovation, so that we can accelerate the innovation of our clients and bring them value faster. Typically, this means that we devote internal resources to learn and play with cutting-edge technology (much like we did in 2015 when React Native first emerged). We undergo training to get familiar with the technology and gain a strong sense of its applications. And, if it has legs, we choose to offer the innovation as a service offering to our own clients.

Why invest in robotics

We are observing a context of labor shortage and our innovation is focused on leveraging robotics to remedy this. By combining our expertise in software engineering to robotics, we can build autonomous automated solutions for the core markets we service.

Boston Dynamics - the ideal partner

Boston Dynamics is one of the most advanced companies in the robotics field. The Spot platform they have built has a proven track record and is being used in hundreds of companies across the globe. The commercial robot comes with an out-of-box controller but, thanks to its developer-friendly API, the robot can be extended with new customizable features via development on Spot’s Software Development Kit (SDK). That’s where we come in!

As an official Boston Dynamics solution partner for Canada, we’re launching the advanced autonomous robotics segment to help our clients automate their routine inspection tasks and capture data safely, accurately and frequently. For example, our solutions can be particularly useful for the manufacturing and construction industries.

How can Spot help companies?

Spot excels specifically where there is a risk for workers’ safety and security or where tasks are routine and repetitive. A great example of this is automated autonomous inspections where the robot can move by itself, gather data (such as temperature or gas presence), take photos, etc. We’ve also observed Spot take part in a variety of tasks during the COVID-19 pandemic like disinfecting public spaces, welcoming patients at the hospital, and monitoring construction site progression.

Here are some other cool things Spot can do (we suspect you’ll be as wowed as we were):

  • Carry up to 14kg of inspection equipment
  • Programmable to perform repeatable autonomous missions to gather data consistently
  • Navigate terrain and avoid obstacles as they appear, thanks to its 3600 perception points
  • Cruise over loose gravel, grass, curbs and stairs
  • Attach and integrate unique outside hardware

See Spot in action in our video, and contact us for a demo or to discuss your business opportunities.

Photo credit: yakari pixel

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