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What makes our team happy

Marie-Pier Houle
Marie-Pier Houle
min read

Did you know that in 2012, the United Nations designated March 20th as the International Day of Happiness, highlighting its universal significance and integration into public policies for inclusive economic growth? Happiness plays a crucial role in our professional lives, as studies by the University of Oxford have shown a direct link to increased productivity. At Osedea, we firmly believe in the impact of happy team members. Rooted in diversity and inclusion, our corporate culture aims to create an environment where everyone can thrive. By continually seeking to integrate these principles to foster collaborators happiness, we demonstrate our commitment to their well-being, as they are our greatest asset.

Dreams come true initiative

Firstly, we find it important to recognize and support the individual aspirations of our team members. Thus, after two years of service within Osedea, we offer each member the privilege of realizing a personal project with a $5000 allocation and an additional week of vacation. This initiative, called "Dreams Come True," allows for a wide range of projects reflecting the unique aspirations and passions of our colleagues. Whether it's an epic journey around the world, immersion in a new culture, academic training to excel in a particular field, or even the realization of a long-dreamt entrepreneurial project, no ambition is too grand or audacious. What makes this initiative even more extraordinary is its renewal every five years, providing the team with the opportunity to continue nurturing its dreams and ambitions over time. In this article, we will also share some inspiring success stories from our colleagues, highlighting dreams that have become a reality thanks to this unique initiative at Osedea.

Enhanced long weekends

Moreover, we understand the rejuvenating and revitalizing effect long weekends can have on the morale and productivity. Hence, we've decided to extend these periods of rest by adding an extra day between Victoria Day in May and holidays in December. Upon reflection, this equates to offering an additional paid vacation week throughout the year, just in time to enjoy the mild and sunny weather. This initiative not only promotes the well-being of our members but also provides a valuable opportunity to unwind and recharge. At Osedea, we believe that a healthy work-life balance is essential for workplace well-being and satisfaction, which is why we are committed to offering benefits that support this balance and help our team members thrive both professionally and personally.

Workplace flexibility

Flexibility is a cornerstone of our culture and is reflected in each of our initiatives aimed at promoting our people's well-being. This notion is particularly important in light of recent studies. A 2023 report by the International Labour Organization revealed that increased flexibility, whether through staggered schedules, job sharing, or remote work options, leads to increased productivity and a better balance between work and personal life.

A global survey by Cisco of 28,000 full-time workers showed that 82% of them reported that the ability to work from anywhere made them happier. Furthermore, Gallup data has shown that optimal employee engagement occurs when they spend between 60% and 80% of their working time off-site. This group, which works remotely between 60% and 80% of the time, is also the most likely to strongly agree that their engagement needs related to development and relationships are being met.

At Osedea, we offer our collaborators a variety of options to suit their individual needs. Whether adopting a four-day workweek, working from anywhere in the world for up to six weeks, opting for full-time remote work, working at the office 100%, or in hybrid mode, we encourage flexibility and autonomy. We are confident that this approach allows our colleagues to find the perfect balance between work and personal life while promoting their engagement and growth within the company.

Building Families

For many people, starting a family is an essential life goal. However, the path to parenthood is often fraught with obstacles, whether due to infertility, sexual orientation, or financial constraints. At Osedea, we recognize these challenges and invest in inclusive and equitable social benefits that have a real impact on our collaborators' lives.

To support our team members on their journey to parenthood, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, we have launched the "Building Families" program. This innovative program, focused on inclusion, fills the gaps in government programs, promotes equality, and offers choice, flexibility, and support tailored to each individual's path to parenthood. We are convinced that everyone deserves the support they need to start a family, and we are proud to offer this program as an expression of our commitment to equal opportunities and  well-being. To learn more, read this article.

At Osedea, we place the happiness and well-being of our team members at the heart of our corporate culture. Through innovative and inclusive initiatives, we create an environment where everyone can thrive, both professionally and personally. We are convinced that happy colleagues are the key to our success. By listening to their needs, we will continue to innovate and improve our social benefits. We encourage our members to share their ideas to create an even more dynamic and rewarding environment. Together, let's cultivate a place where happiness, inclusion, and growth are essential.

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